With some states easing shelter-in-place restrictions and more freight shipping in recent weeks, there seems to be some optimism that the economy is starting to gain steam. Still, many essential workers are at risk of being exposed to COVID-19. Those working in warehouses come in contact with people and freight on a daily basis, and those delivering the goods are on the road constantly, entering truck stops, gas stations, and delivery docks. It is vital for these frontline workers to take the necessary precautions to keep themselves healthy and prevent the spread of this dangerous virus.
It should go without saying that we should all be practicing thorough and constant handwashing. Anytime a worker leaves his post or touches a potentially contaminated item, he should wash his hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Those who have to enter their workplace should be sure to wear face masks throughout the day. N95 masks are the most effective, but are difficult to come by. Cloth masks are easy to make and can help prevent the spread of the coronavirus (but they aren’t a replacement for social distancing). Most importantly, anybody who feels even mildly ill should tell their manager immediately and see a doctor. Now is not the time to ignore symptoms. Doing so puts the worker and all those around him or her at risk.
Forgotten through all of this is the toll the pandemic can have on one’s mental health. Social isolation can be devastating, but there are ways to stay connected. Those working in warehouses or driving trucks should take some time to get out for a walk, read a book, or interact with family and friends through telephone and video calls. Even a five minute conversation can add a positive outlook to the day once we know our family and friends are safe.
At Zip Xpress, we understand that frontline workers are facing trying times. Drivers and freight handlers have stayed working since the start of the crisis, many of them putting their health on the line to keep our supply chain running. These hard working individuals deserve our gratitude and respect. To see how our hardworking employees can service your freight, start today with Zip Xpress!