In our previous article, we discussed the importance of developing a ‘strategic’ supply chain for your organization. The first area in developing a strategic supply chain was to take a holistic view of the supply chain, rather than constantly putting out fires when things went wrong. This week, our aim is to discuss exactly how your business can develop a holistic view of your supply chain rather than spending your energy always putting out fires.
Visibility of Your Supply Chain
The first step is to define visibility for your organization. If you’re in need of one, a definition we’ve seen works well is asking: “Can we find all the components and move them from Point A to Point B when we need to?” Once you have your definition of visibility, the next step is to work on communication across the supply chain, since company silos ensure that a supply chain is less effective and resilient than an optimized one. Ease of communication to all parties involved in the supply chain helps create visibility and allows you to allocate the resources when and where you need them.
Plan for Multiple Contingencies
One of the interesting perspectives of a holistic supply chain perspective is the fact that they have multiple suppliers for all of their products/components. A lack of visibility often led to a lack of knowledge in alternative supplies that has hit many supply chains hard. Developing alternative sourcing contingencies is the heart of supply chain resilience. Simply having a backup plan in case a supplier doesn’t get you your shipment on time is vital, and sometimes it’s better to have a second and third contingency just in case.
Unity Across the Organization
Finally, the most important component in a holistic supply chain is the unifying belief of its importance across every department in the organization. Developing a holistic supply chain strategy starts at the top with every executive providing their input and follows all the way down across departments to the front line. One department may be concerned about cost, another one about the quality of components. When the executives determine the vision of their supply chain, such questions will be easily answered against the company’s values. Such a unified vision for a holistic supply chain will do wonders to inspire your team and help to grow your company as a result.
Here at Zip Xpress, we understand the importance of taking a holistic approach to your supply chain strategy. We stress the importance of communication in all that we do and provide continuous updates for every shipment that is in our care. Any time you call us, you’ll receive an answer on the phone from a person, never a machine and we’re always willing to help, whether you’re looking for an update on your shipment or a quote. Everything we do is for our customers and no matter what supply chain challenges you’re facing, we have a custom carrier solution that will help you get your shipment to its destination on time and undamaged. To see for yourself, start today with Zip Xpress!