Building a Bridge of Trust

There hasn’t been a shortage of challenges when it comes to shipping over the past few years. Issues with capacity, challenges in securing materials and now managing the costs of transportation. Shippers have had to overcome a lot as of late and when they were seeing their transportation costs get away from them while still seeing poor service, we’ve seen a lot of animosity develop in the supply chain relationship.

Part of the issue is due to higher costs for both shippers and carriers. A surge in demand from the past few years left carriers struggling to get orders delivered in a timely manner, combined with shortages in their own sector – mainly trailers. As a result of rampant demand prices increased and shippers had to work harder to get their shipments sent out for delivery. Carriers had a responsibility to provide better service during these rampant times, but only time will tell if these carriers delivered on that promise to their customers.

We believe that there needs to be a bridge of trust between both shippers and carriers. One should not be out to harm the other and both must see each other as more than a transaction. There needs to be a partnership between the two parties, otherwise they will find themselves locked in a vicious cycle that will inevitably lead to hostility and the one who will suffer when it’s all over? The customer. 

How do we build a bridge of trust? Shippers need to perform their own due diligence in finding a carrier they can work with that meets their needs. They shouldn’t seek cut-rate service from brokers since this will only result in more mistrust for carriers. Brokers are incentivized to keep shippers in their pocket and will not speak well of most carriers. On the other side carriers need to focus on providing better service, especially now that capacity is opening up. Carriers have no excuse. It is our responsibility to provide a great service that shippers can rely on, because we’re nothing without our customers. It is important to always remember: both shipper and carrier will always remember how the other one treated them.

Here at Zip Xpress, we understand the importance of building a bridge of trust with customers. We go out of our way to provide exceptional service to all of the shippers we have the privilege of working with. When you call Zip Xpress, there will always be a person who will answer the phone and will do everything they can to provide you with the solutions you need for your business. We will call and schedule pickup and delivery, working on the timeframe that works best for your needs. We are also the best in ensuring that your shipments will arrive undamaged and on time and we’ve been the best at it for over 20 years. We look forward to showing how we can help your business. To see for yourself, start today with Zip Xpress!
